Causes and management of umbilical discharge – Dr. Sanjay Panicker

Umbilical discharge in children or in infants is a very common thing and it may last for few weeks or a few months and it disappears. Nothing much to worry about it. It is subsequent to the umbilicus being cut off in infants and then there can be a slight discharge, there can be even bloody discharge sometimes. Later if treated or managed well and see that it doesn’t further infect, then it should heal by itself. But if you find umbilical discharge in adult, then it is a matter of concern because umbilical discharge in an adult can be because of an abcess which is coming up in that area or it can be because of very common problem like pilonidal sinus because of tuft of hair or because of foreign bodies which is stuck up in umbilicus and getting infected. There can be a sinus which can come up there. Sinus in the sense a small cavity with little infection in it and it can also be a symptom very rarely though, it can be a symptom of metastatic cancer. So whenever you find umbilical discharge in an adult it has to be dealt with caution. Meet your doctor and get diagnosed what the issue is. In children if it is treated with certain antibiotics or by certain homeopathic medicines, we should be able to sort out the umbilical discharge. It is not an issue.


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