Perioral Dermatitis (Healing My Allergic Skin Reaction)

Hey Everyone,

Today were looking at products that helped with an allergic reaction on my face or perineal dermatitis. This is in no way medical advise, if you have never experienced this before or are unsure go to a doctor or dermatologist. With that said, lets check out the products that saved my skin during my worst reaction.


❤ ATTENTION COMPANIES: If you are a company interested in contacting me please email: [email protected].

***I use Magic links to link whenever possible, this is an added way I can earn pennies from my work (litterally pennies) if you use the link to buy. Feel free or not both are cool.

CLINIQUE Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm

Vassoul aloe vera gel


Aqua+ Skincare Hyaluronate Prestine Serum

The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil

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