Annique Health and Beauty Focus – Episode 11 and 12

Episode 11: As the saying goes, when babies are born, they are so surprised by the event that they are rendered speechless for a year and a half. But what they can do is make their feelings known in no uncertain ways, often leading to extreme concern on the part of the mother. We look at some of the concerns and how to deal with them. We give special attention to eczema, its symptoms, causes and how to treat it.

Episode 12: Ageing is the focus of this video. We do what we can to prevent the physical appearance of growing older, and in this constantly advancing industry, we have to keep up to date with the latest cosmetic developments. Youth will always be fashionable.
We also take a look at the Annique business opportunity and what this entails.


Episode 1 and 2:
Episode 2 and 3:
Episode 4 and 5:
Episode 5, 6 and 7:
Episode 7:
Episode 8 and 9:
Episode 9, 10 and 11:
Episode 13:


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