Healing Leaky Gut | Uncover Root Causes & Best Solutions

Healing leaky gut by understanding the root causes and solutions.

00:00 – Intro: Addressing Leaky Gut
00:55 – Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity
01:35 – What Causes of Leaky Gut
03:37 – Healing Leaky Gut
04:39 – Diet: Stress & Nutrients
05:40 – How to Eat Your Food
07:35 – Supplements for Leaky Gut
10:35 – Testing for Proper Diagnosis


Here, Dr. Kyle Loveless talks about leaky gut and why the process of healing goes beyond supplement solutions. Leaky gut is not a simple ailment that can be resolved with a quick-fix supplement.

Addressing leaky gut necessitates a holistic approach. The root causes must be explored, with stress identified as a major culprit.

The types of stress that can cause these issues:

– Physical stress
– Chemical stress
– Emotional stress

These stressors can lead to a compromised digestive system, weakening the gut’s mucosal lining, and causing proteins to leak into the bloodstream. This, in turn, triggers an immune response, which may eventually manifest as autoimmune issues, especially in individuals with genetic predispositions.

To heal leaky gut, Dr. Loveless advocates several key strategies. Reduce stress on the GI tract by adopting mindful eating practices:

– Eating slowly
– Create a relaxed atmosphere during meals
– Chamomile; supports the mucosal lining’s restoration
– L-glutamine; gut lining repair & maintains healthy stomach acid levels

While recommending probiotics to some, Dr. Loveless also cautions against overuse. He advises exploring alternatives like fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut to foster a balanced microbiome.

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