Extreme Eczema of the face | Painful peeling and scaling

Extreme Eczema of the face | Excruciating pain peeling and scaling. Great discomfort for those who suffer daily. What can be done?

Dr. Sonia Batra to help a man who’s suffered from extreme eczema for over 20 years.

Dermatologist, dr. Sonia bhature joins us now Dani examining him and what can be done so you do have a severe form of atopic dermatitis or eczema, and those flares that you get in between are when it really gets out of control, called erythro, derma or exfoliated dermatitis, Extreme Eczema of the face.

Shedding skin

When you actually are shedding skin – and you had shared with me that you sometimes notice the funny smell from your skin – and you may remember – I did a culture swab, and one of the things I found was that you’re, actually colonized with three Really aggressive and very resistant strains of bacteria, and I don’t – think they’re, responsive to the typical pills that you’ve, been prescribed.

Contact allergies

You also have a really strong, secondary component of contact allergies. So there are things that you come in contact with like products and substances that then trigger the whole eczema flare all over.

So in a extreme eczema of the face case like this, where Dana’s, immune system is attacking his own skin, causing these severe symptoms. What can be done?

Extreme Eczema of the face – What can be done?

I think one of the things is that we really need to get your general health managed and under good control on the blood tests that I took your blood sugar level, as I mentioned to you, is 285, your triglycerides for 461 and that’s.

Not a safe maintenance option for you that’s, that’s, not going to work and the steroids are not a safe, long-term maintenance option. I know you’ve tried Cyclospora and that didn’t really help you as well, but there is a new medication that was actually originally approved for rheumatoid arthritis.

It’s, an anti-inflammatory called tofacitinib. The brand name is xeljanz and it’s actually been incredibly successful for people like you who have very severe refractory, atopic dermatitis or eczema and haven’t responded to steroids or cyclosporine.

So I’d, really like to prescribe that for you and then I’d, also like to make sure we’re, treating you with the right antibiotics, because I was a little concerned when I saw the resistance profile of The three bacteria that we grew on the swab just to make sure we’re, really eradicating that so that that isn’t kind of perpetuating the inflammation.

I will check in with you. You know we’ll. Make sure that, as long as you can have someone who’s testing your blood, making sure that everything I’m prescribing is safe. Then we need to maintain this Extreme Eczema of the face. We need to follow it so that we make sure you’re, getting better okay to really get you back to living your life and thanks for being brave today.

Dealing With Atopic Dermatitis And Inflammation

Learn more about atopic dermatitis issues and ways to help with inflammation. Also known by the name Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema is the term most often used to describe any inflammation or irritation of the skin, although correctly speaking, not every dermatological irritant is eczema.

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The Best Way to Treat Eczema

Eczema is most commonly known as an auto immune reaction that produce painful swollen areas on the patients skin. These areas often produce dry, flaking, cracked skin. The patients often report near unbearable itching that results in bleeding or oozing areas of the skin. The uncontrollable scratching can also lead to scarring which will prolong the pain and discomfort for the patient.

Do Not Scratch

Eczema is a painful skin condition which causes swelling, bleeding and possibly scarring of the skin. Patients will often find themselves scratching uncontrollably, producing bleeding and oozing. The scratching will also lead to scars, and soreness that extends the painful condition even longer.

Eczema Natural Cures – You Are What You Eat

I’m a big believer that for eczema natural cures are the way to go. It makes sense in so many ways – if your problem is basically an allergic reaction to something – which is what eczema is – why would you put some chemical mixture into your body or onto your skin that you could possibly be even more allergic to?

Atopic Dermatitis – What Do You Know About It?

Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema where the skin reacts easily and abnormally to environmental allergens, irritants and foods. It occurs mainly in children and is unlikely to occur in anyone over the age of 30. The skin becomes red flaky and itchy; and is more susceptible to bacterial infection.

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Cooling Off Inflammation To Get Rid Of Itchy Skin Rashes

Eczema is an inflammatory skin disorder that affects 10% of the U.S. population. Eczema is associated with itchy scaly skin rashes and can be agonizing. The article describes how inflammation triggers, intensifies and prolongs eczema, and the benefits of anti-inflammatory remedies for eczema cure.

This information and the video used is highly recommended by Eczemanews.com as experts to follow on your path to healthier living. We suggest you navigate to their video and like and subscribe for further updates they may have on this subject.


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