Childhood Neurodevelopment & Preconception Care with Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor Ari Calhoun

This week, Morgan discusses childhood neurodevelopment conditions, autoimmune conditions, and the journey through motherhood from preconception all the way until early toddlerhood with Perinatal and Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor & mama herself, Dr. Ari Calhoun. Inspired by her own personal journey with mental illness & health issues, it led her down the rode to take a deeper dive on childhood neurodevelopment and women’s care using a holistic approach. Dr. Calhoun has spent an extensive amount of time studying childhood disorders such as ADHD, autism, autoimmune conditions, and anxiety/depression & helps parents use an integrative approach to manage symptoms and impower them to understand risk factors while not fearing everything and everything. Listen in as they go through everything from reducing your toxin exposure while pregnant, essential nutrients during pregnancy, and important baby first foods to try!

Her background 1:50
What’s causing the autism epidemic 8:30
Tylenol and autism 13:00
Preconception and fertility 17:05
Phthalates and BPA 20:00
Her exposure to lead 24:33
What she looks at during preconception 26:30
Nutrients for neurodevelopment and common deficiencies 29:17
The first 6 months 36:13
Environmental toxins 39:55
Early interventions 42:21
Early intervention is key 45:45
Diet interventions 49:31
Eczema 52:40
PANS and PANDAS 56:16
Rapid-fire questions 1:05:02


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