Eating Avocado Every Day For A Week Will Do This To Your Body

Avocados aren’t just for millennials anymore, however, we must say, they are delicious on toast. Avocados are truly amazing fruit. Not only are they a glorious shade of green, they’re packed with loads of healthy fats and health benefits! Not a fan of the avocado? Well, we think you will be after watching this video. Disagree? Why don’t you watch the whole thing, and prove us wrong?

#Avocados #AvocadoBenefits #AvocadoNutrition


Today, we’re gonna let you in on all the secret health benefits of the avocado, and give you some great ideas on how to make it delicious!

First of all, we should probably go over what an Avocado actually is. Is it a veggie? Is it a fruit? Hold on to your seats, because….it’s a berry! Woah, what?! We know, we were shocked too. We can hear you asking, “Aren’t berries tiny little, bite sized bits of yum?” Apparently not! The official definition of a berry is as follows: A berry is a fleshy fruit produced from a single ovary. Mind. blown. That’s just one amazing thing about the avocado, and we’ve only just begun!

There are many types of Avocados out there but the most popular one is called the Hass Avocado, and that’s the one we’re going to be focusing on today. It’s sometimes called the alligator pear which is pretty accurate because avocados do have a sort of green bumpy skin and are indeed shaped like a pear! To eat an Avocado, you peel the outer layer, eat the yellowish-green fleshy stuff inside and compost the seed. You’ve probably eaten Avocado at some point in your life because they’re the main ingredient in guacamole! (uhh, pass the chips please).

Besides being delicious on nachos, Avocados are a go-to super food for folks who are trying to be more health conscious. It makes sense, according to HEALTH LINE Avocados contain a wide variety of nutrients and are packed with over 20 different vitamins and minerals including Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and many, many more. Not to mention, they taste delicious.

One thing commonly known about the Avocado is that it’s pretty fatty. In fact, it’s one of the fattiest plant foods on this green earth. (But maybe don’t make fun it them for it, they’re sensitive). However, these are the good kind of fats, healthy fats that you want in your body. It does have a few carbs as well, but most of them are really fiber so it’s actually great for any low-carb diet you’re on. Plus they don’t contain any cholesterol or sodium so that’s a bonus if you’re focusing on your blood pressure.

Remember that potassium we were talking about? Well normally bananas get all the credit, but in reality avocados are a better source of this much needed mineral. PUBMED reports that having a high amount of potassium in your diet might reduce or regulate your blood pressure which is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Uhhh…more guac please.

So far, we’ve talked about blood pressure and the fact that avocados can possibly lower your risk of a heart attack. That must mean they’re good for your heart! It’s true, avocados are full of oleic acid. This is a monounsaturated fatty acid and is a great heart-healthy fatty acid according to HEALTH LINE . It’s also loaded with health benefits. Ok, that’s enough sciency stuff for now, let’s get to the good part.

It’s great on toast!! All jokes aside, avocado makes a tasty spread on bread and is a much healthier choice than butter, jam, or even our beloved mayonnaise. Try it with your eggs, (on toast) or on a sandwich for a healthy kick! Not only can you swap butter for avocado on bread, but in baking as well. Ever heard of avocado brownies? How about chocolate chip cookies with avocado instead of butter? They’re so tasty and a much healthier option.

Speaking of all things avocado and delicious there’s something called avocado oil and it seems like it can work magic on the body. According to THE HUFFINGTON POST Avocado oil is very similar to olive oil only with the avocado oil you could be decreasing your risk of heart disease, cancer and keep yourself looking younger for longer. Research in Mexico tells us that this oil “has the power to combat destructive rogue oxygen molecules that are known to destroy cell membranes, proteins and DNA.” So next time you’re looking to use some olive oil, maybe try avocado oil instead?

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