My 75 day Juicing..Get Rid Cheilitis..Lichen Planus Inflammation of the Lip Pt 4

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Showing you the sores on my leg

This video below shows where this journey.

I developed a system juicing every or Day
I love my dandelions
It turns out that it was not dermatitis I did not it at that
Time but it was the same it that was in my lip called by
another name Cheilitis, ( I did biopsies determine this diagnosis
Lichen Planus, an obstinate skin disorder has baffled not only the patients
but also the practitioners equally including myself as a practitioner.
The cases of Lichen Planus have been observed all over the world,
irrespective of race, skin color, and culture. The medical field today finds little help for this chronic disease.

So I share on this video day 9 of my 75 juice cleanse my green juice recipe.


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