How To Get Rid Of Armpit Rashes Naturaly At Home

Hello Friends. In today’s video, you will see how to get rid of Armpit Rash naturally at home.
If you are suffering from irritating and painful armpit rashes then you are at the right place because here you will find all natural home remedies to get rid of this terrific condition

Rashes in the armpit area is irritating as well as unbearable.Due to being a dark, sweaty area armpits are particularly vulnerable to rashes. The main causes of armpit rashes are too much shaving, excessive use of chemical creams, excessive sweating, improper and tight clothes, exposure to a hot climate, fungal and bacterial infections, friction and poor personal hygiene. If not treated at the right time, this may lead to dryness, cracking, pain and blistering of the skin.
Although there are creams available to treat this problem but it is advisable to cure this condition using simple and safe natural remedies.

Let’s check them out…

1. Cold Compresses
Cold compresses help to reduce itching and burning sensations of an armpit rash. The cold temperature will prevent the rash from developing into blisters.
Wrap a few ice cubes in a thin cotton towel
Hold it on the affected area for a couple of minutes
Take a break and then repeat
Do this for 10 minutes, a few times daily.
Note: Never apply ice directly on the skin.
2. Coconut Oil
The healthy fats and vitamin E content in coconut oil help keep the area moisturized. It calms itching and facilitates healing.
Dab some extra-virgin coconut oil on your armpits using a cotton swab.
Allow it to absorb completely into the skin
Do this a few times daily until the rash is gone.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can soothe the itchiness of rash and moisturises the area. Aloe vera gel also reduces redness.
Cut open an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel
Apply it directly on the affected area
Let it sit for 20
Then rinse it off with cool water
Use this simple remedy 3 or 4 times a day until the rash clears.

4. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is antifungal in nature that prevents the growth of the fungus and infection. It can effectively treat infection like ringworm, psoriasis or eczema.Its antiseptic properties help soothe the red spots and sores.
First clean the infected area and pat dry
Now mix 5 or 6 drops of tea tree essential oil with 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil or coconut oil
Apply this mixture on it
Wait 10 minutes
Rinse it off with cool water
Repeat 2 or 3 times daily until your skin looks healthy again.
5. Indian Lilac or Neem
Indian lilac or neem has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-irritant, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Neem oil is used to treat eczema, psoriasis, acne, ringworm and their associated symptoms.
Boil a handful of neem leaves in a pot of water for 15 minutes. Strain the solution and allow it to cool. Use it to wash the affected area 2 or 3 times daily for a few days.
You can also apply neem oil on the affected area after diluting it in water. Mix 5 or 6 drops of neem oil in a cup of lukewarm water. Using a cotton ball apply this solution on the affected area a few times daily, until the rash is gone completely.Oatmeal

6. Oatmeal has antioxidant phenolic compounds in it that are responsible for the potent anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. All of these help alleviate irritation and itching due to a rash on your armpit. It also helps normalize your skin’s pH level and also keeps the skin soft and moisturized.
Mix 1 cup of colloidal oatmeal in a bathtub filled with warm water
Add a few drops of lavender essential oil
Soak in this solution for at least 15 minutes.Make sure the affected area is completely immersed in the water.
Do this once daily until the rash heals.

That’s all for the video.
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