Tuberculosis – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies

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Tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs. It hampers the smooth functioning of the lungs. Watch how you can treat tuberculosis using natural ingredients available in your kitchen!

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• Tuberculosis is the bacterial infection of the lungs
• It is a contagious disease
• It hampers the smooth functioning of the lungs

Symptoms to look for:

• The symptoms of this disease appear in a very advanced stage
• The symptoms include:
o Weight loss
o Loss of energy
o Poor appetite
o Fever
o Wet cough
o Sweating in the night
o Blood in cough


• A weak immune system
• Reduction in vitality
• Incorrect and insufficient diet

Natural home remedy using drumstick leaves, black pepper, salt and lemon juice:

1. Crush a handful of drumstick leaves to make paste
2. Take 1 tbsp drumstick leaves’ paste
3. Add it to 1 glass hot water
4. Add 1 tsp black pepper powder
5. Add 1 tsp salt
6. Add 1 tsp lemon juice
7. Mix well
8. Drink this every morning

Natural home remedy using Indian gooseberries and honey:

1. Cut and de-seed 3 washed Indian gooseberries
2. Crush them to paste
3. Press this on a sieve
4. Extract juice
5. Add 1 tbsp honey to it
6. Mix well
7. Drink every morning

Natural home remedy using walnuts:

1. Remove shells of 2 walnuts
2. Crush the walnuts to powder
3. Take 2 tsp of this crushed powder
4. Crush some garlic cloves
5. Add 1 tsp garlic paste to the walnut powder
6. Add 1 tsp clarified butter
7. Mix well
8. Eat once everyday

Natural home remedy using clarified butter, black pepper seeds and asafoetida powder:

1. Fry 9 black pepper seeds in clarified butter
2. Add pinch of asafoetida powder
3. Allow the mixture to cool
4. Divide into 3 doses
5. Eat them through the day

Natural home remedy using orange juice, salt and honey:

1. Take 1 glass of orange juice
2. Add a pinch of salt
3. Add 1 tbsp honey
4. Mix well
5. Drink every day




These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use on our website


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