HIV Rash on Face – How to Identify an HIV Rash

HIV Rash on Face – How to Identify an HIV Rash

One of the initial symptoms of HIV infection in many patients is rash. Patients who are using antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV may also experience it. Find out how to recognize the rash and what you can do to get diagnosed or get the symptoms under control.

Persons with pale skin typically get red blotches and spots from HIV rash, while people with darker skin typically experience dark purplish blotches and patches. The flat or slightly elevated areas can be extremely irritating. Patients experience different symptoms; some develop a very severe rash that covers a big region, while others just develop a very small rash. The HIV rash typically appears during seroconversion (the time when the infection becomes detectable via blood tests).

Usually, the rash goes away on its own within a few weeks. Some people fail to realize they have HIV because they mistake it for an allergic reaction or eczema.

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