Home Remedies for Eczema, a Dry Skin Condition | By Top 5.

5 #HomeRemedies for Eczema on Hands and Fingers.

Eczema is a very common chronic skin disorder, affecting about 34 million Americans. It can occur in people of all age groups, but it is more common among infants than adults.
Its symptoms include #DrySkin, redness, swelling, flaking, blisters, cracking, crusted sores and constant itching. It can affect different body parts like the face, hands, ankles, back of the knees, neck and upper chest.
While eczema is often hereditary, various factors can also trigger it, such as allergies, environmental irritants, sweating, and emotional stress. Eczema outbreaks can be chronic or acute.
If not treated, eczema can cause a lot of discomfort. There are medicines available in the market, but many are chemical-based and can actually aggravate symptoms. For many people, natural remedies are a better option for dealing with #eczema.

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