Pompholyx Eczema | How to Deal with it Naturally

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*Pompholyx Eczema | What is it?*
Pompholyx eczema is the same as dyshidrotic eczema. We’ve spoken a little about dyshidrotic eczema on the YouTube channel in the past. Perhaps we could just tell you to google ‘Dyshidrotic eczema’ and leave it there, but since we’re making a video on the subject, let’s get a little further into what’s going on in the body to create these symptoms known as Pompholyx eczema.

We can only assume that it’s not a term being used very widely these days, because in the past 3 or 4 years of coaching eczema healers, we have only recently been asked about Pompholyx eczema. Is it a term only used in certain parts of the world? If you know, please let us know in the comments section below.

Pompholyx eczema is a type of eczema usually confined to the hands and feet. The way we have seen it presented in the past is in the form of lots of little blisters and bubbles on either the palms or the soles of the feet. It usually starts with an intense itching, and later gives way to the oozing and blistering.

*Is Pompholyx Eczema any more dangerous than regular eczema?*
Due to the location on the body, we would suggest that Pompholyx eczema poses more of a threat to infection than other types of eczema. Atopic dermatitis that is confined to the backs of knees or elbows can be adequately protected during the healing journey, whereas the hands and feet are tactile and very frequently used.
With that being said, it would be best not to completely hide your hands and feet away if they are affected – exposure to daylight and eventually some environmental bacteria are essential parts of any healing process.

*Can Pompholyx Eczema be Cured?*
From a symptomatic viewpoint, Pompholyx eczema is quite different to atopic dermatitis. It appears in different areas of the body, and also takes on a different form. Atopic dermatitis tends to be a red rash found in creases of the limbs, whilst Pompholyx eczema is a blistering effect (blisters can vary in size) found on the tougher skin of the hands and feet.

The root cause of Pompholyx eczema will officially remain as ‘unknown’ but from a holistic healing perspective, we certainly believe there are lifestyle factors that will have contributed to the condition. Usually, there are genetic dispositions for the disease, but like with most other diseases, our genes load the gun, but our chosen lifestyle is what pulls the trigger. For more on these lifestyle factors, be sure to stay tuned to the EczemaHealing.org YouTube channel.

Pompholyx eczema appears to be found more frequently in people who work with toxic materials – this makes logical sense, given where it’s found on the body. So from this perspective, there are more likely to be topical solutions to the problem. If the problem has only come on since working in a certain environment, the chances are, much of your eczema may be of the ‘contact’ type, and can be reversed by removing contact with offending substances.

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