Eliminate Blister Beetles Safely and Easily! [DIY Pest Control]

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Blister beetles and false blister beetles are plant-infesting insects that produce cantharidin, a caustic chemical that produces painful blisters on contact. They’ll also infest hay, posing a health risk for horses and other grazing animals. To get rid of these noxious pests, first treat their food sources. Target weeds like ironweed, pigweed, or ragweed with a post-emergent herbicide like Fahrenheit. Just mix the product according to its label directions and apply over weeds to kill them. Next, target the beetles’ other food source, grasshoppers. Use a residual insecticide like Supreme I/T to keep them away. Mix 0.25 to 0.5 fluid ounces of Supreme I/T into 1 gallon of water and spray your turf and ornamentals. Finally, treat for the blister beetles themselves with a dust like D-fense Dust. Just apply a thin layer on the upper and lower sides of leaves, stems, and flowers. Blister beetles that make contact with the dust will die over several hours.

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