Eczema and Love Series Part 2: Family

Mentioned in this video:

Eczema and Love P1: Self-Love – 

The 5 Love Languages book – 


Welcome to Part 2 of my 4-Part series on Eczema and Love!  Today, we go over Family.  Man, this was a tough one for me to film because there is so much to say about what it was like growing up as a child and young adult with eczema.  I mostly focus on the relationship to my mother because she was the most vocal about it.  It took me a long time to let go of the responsibility I took upon myself to try to “stay strong” to get her off my back and stop nagging me about my scratching and rashes.  Pointing out the obvious with no real solutions was the most frustrating part.  Not having answers myself was even worse.  But even though everyone may be clueless as to what to do, one surefire thing that always helps someone with eczema is to have the unconditional love, support, and acceptance of their family despite how their skin looks.  Family members should not be judgmental or internalize any guilt or embarrassment they might feel or project those insecurities onto their children/family members with eczema.  It’s nobody’s fault.  It’s just another thing we have to deal with.  AND it is NOT the person with eczema’s responsibility to be the pillar for both themselves AND their parents/family members.  It is NOT the responsibility of the person suffering to worry about both their own recovery AND sparing those around them who do not have eczema!  OMG, this was so annoying to deal with.  Are you seriously giving me something else I have to deal with ON TOP OF ECZEMA ITSELF?!  Like, I can’t be strong for me AND you.  I gotta take care of me!  You, person without eczema, have NOTHING to deal with!  So, YOU be strong for ME, capiche?!  Like, let’s get some common sense back in the building and rearrange this relationship in a way that MAKES SENSE.   PLEASE!  For the love of God, have compassion for your person with eczema already!  And for those of you parents who ARE doing this right and avoiding this whole nonsense situation above, kudos to you!  More power to you!  Teach other parents how to truly love, support, and help their children with eczema!  Spread the word!  Spread the TRUE love!  No more of this conditional love based on the appearance of skin.  TRUE LOVE!  The more we share, the more we know and the more people who will know, too.

I also found this book helpful for me to translate the way my mom was actually showing her love and support whereas I didn’t realize it before because she and I speak different love languages.  But, with awareness and education can come understanding.  A very insightful and quick read. 

The 5 Love Languages book – 

“Endless Love” by 555 (Youtube Creator Studio/Audio Library)

Thank you for watching and wishing you much healing!

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Much appreciation and gratitude for stopping by! Stay safe, healthy and protected!


Teresa “Terry” Alabata
Eczema Phoenix
Sensitive Skin Advocate & Educator

Find me on Instagram and Twitter @eczemaphoenix


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