Ringworm | When to Worry | Parents

Watch as Parents Magazine shows when to worry about ringworm! Is your baby displaying symptoms of ringworm? It’s not as bad as the name implies. For one thing, there are no worms involved. Ringworm treatment actually takes care of a fungal skin infection, which gets its name from the ring-shaped spot it creates. This rash is spread through direct contact with another child or adult who carries it, but it can also be traced through sharing hats or brushes. The itchy, tell-tale spots are uncomfortable, appearing anywhere on your baby’s body. The spots may not always look like rings, though. Some are circular patches with raised and scaly borders. After time, normal skin appears in the center. Your pet can also carry the fungal infection. Lastly, ringworm symptoms won’t go away on their own. Your pediatrician may recommend newborn care with a fungal cream or an oral treatment, depending on the location of the ringworm. Even if your baby’s skin starts to look normal again, be sure to properly get rid of the infection by finishing the treatment for ringworm completely!

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