CHILBLAINS … a quest for relief

I have chilblains these days and, of course, I’ve tried to find a cure. By attempting to verify the initial advice I received, I discovered there is no cure, only some relief and, more importantly, the necessity – now that I know I’m susceptible – for a change of lifestyle to prevent chilblains ever happening.

I’ve had to face the uncomfortable fact that I no longer have the physical resilience of youth. [By way of compensation, the contents of my cranium continue to function as they always did during the first three score years and ten!]

This presentation discusses all the alleged chilblain remedies I discovered en route and a new strategy for avoiding the circumstances that provide me with chilblains.

Homeopathy Explained – Gentle Healing or Reckless Fraud?
James Randi’s TED Talk: [Legendary skeptic James Randi takes a fatal dose of homeopathic sleeping pills onstage, kicking off a searing 18-minute indictment of irrational beliefs.]

POSTSCRIPT: The upload date of this video (31/12/2022) might be considered significant. It’s the day that Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) bowed out aged 95. It was he who during his state visit to England and Scotland in 2010 provided the tongue-in-cheek name for my shed/workshop and the title of this YouTube channel: The AUCHTERTYRE ACADEMY for Aggressive Secularism.

The Guardian (16/9/2010 “Benedict XVI used the first papal state visit to Britain to launch a blistering attack on ‘atheist extremism’ and ‘aggressive secularism’, and to rue the damage that ‘the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life’ had done in the last century.”

How does “I don’t believe you” (basic atheism) amount to extremism? … and his strident opinion of secularism might turn out to have been misguided.

[Note: Here in the Scottish Highlands & Islands we have fundamentalist Protestant sects that deny the Christianity of the Catholic Church, the most literal expression I know of the No True Scotsman fallacy.]


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