What causes itching, scaly lesions in webs of finger and toes? – Dr. Sudheendra Udbalker

Itchy scaly lesions in the web of fingers and toes acne anything. It can be fungal infection in people who are in contact with water a lot. With regard to feet, people who wear shoes for long, where they can present in the skin with some whitish areas and some itchy patches, with some redness and all. It can also be a part of contact allergic dermatitis, some soaps, detergents, hand washes, sanitizers, which are common with the application of the hand. With regard to feet, it can be shoes sometimes, socks sometimes will also contribute to a contact allergy. Even scabies can also cause these itchy lesions in the wen of the fingers. The management depends on the condition what is happening there. If is a fungal infection it would need its appropriate treatment. If it is allergic rash, then it would require treatment with some moisturizers, protection, avoidance of the triggers and treatment of the allergic rash so that it gets better.


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