Solution for damaged skin barrier repair? It’s good bacteria | HonestStory

Discover the secret to healthy skin with this video on damaged skin barrier repair. Learn how good skin bacteria and a balanced skin microbiome play a crucial role in maintaining a strong skin barrier. 🦠💚

We’ll also explain why products like most skin barrier cream or other skin barrier products don’t work because they damage skin microbiome. Follow our advice and it is guaranteed you will get a healthy skin barrier🛡️

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😫 The traditional skincare products don’t work because they damage all bacteria on skin including the good ones. A healthy skin microbiome helps in repairing skin damage.

Skin microbiome’s role in skin health and its relation to skin issues has been discovered in the last 10 years. That’s why only researchers and dermatologists who keep themselves updated with the latest research talk about it. 🎓

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