How do you get cold sore and how to cure and prevent cold sores

How do you get cold sores? how do you get herpes and here in this video we will explain you what causes cold sores, and some tips and cream to get rid of cold sores.

Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus. There are two types, called type 1 and type 2. Either type can be caught on any part of the body: lips and genitals are the most common places. The facial sores – which can also be called fever blisters, facial herpes or herpes labialis.

How are cold sores caught and passed on?

You catch cold sores by being kissed by someone who has an active facial cold sore.

Sometimes it will be caught on ordinary skin such as the hand or finger, if you kiss an are where there is sore or broken skin which can allow entry.

Follow these suggestions for preventing cold sores.

A healthy lifestyle can help to keep your immune system in good shape and make cold sores less likely. Avoid any triggers you have identified, and:

Get enough sleep.
Improve your diet.
If sunlight or sun-beds trigger your outbreaks, use a good quality sun block, especially on the lips.

What treatments can you buy at chemists’ shops? or online?

Some products numb your skin and also may prevent the development of cold sores. These are made with a topical anaesthetic (e.g. lidocaine 5% ointment), creams with benzocaine, prilocaine or tetracaine which will stop any soreness if a cold sore breaks through. A small trial has shown that a cream with lidocaine prevented outbreaks in one in three of the people testing it and shortened the outbreaks that did break through from 5 days to 2 days. No prescription is needed: ask the pharmacist to check the list if he/she says otherwise.

Antiviral creams containing aciclovir are widely available. If you start using them at the ‘tingle’ stage, they can shorten the outbreaks by 12 percent (from an average of 7 days down to 6 and a quarter days).

What self-help suggestions may prevent a cold sores?

Some people with cold sores have said that applying a wrapped ice pack to the area for 90 minutes prevents the outbreak, but take care not to cause frostbite. (This idea has not been medically tested.)

Using cream with lemon balm mint extract (melissa officinalis) early on has been shown to prevent outbreaks. This plant contains molecules which prevent the virus from getting into the skin cells.

These useful tips may speed up the healing process.

Cold used tea-bags applied hourly can help.
Geranium oil, tea tree oil – diluted – and lavender oil – will soothe.
Keep the skin soft and moist with an unscented product such as Vaseline (petroleum jelly) to prevent scabs from cracking and coming off.


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Graphic Image Credit/Sources:

CC BY 3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons

Other Image Sources:

Background Music Credit:

“Master of the Feast” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Further Reading Sources:
Drug Facts & Comparisons. (1996). Antiviral Agent. – page 572
Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology (1992). – page 70
American Social Health Association Web site, search for herpes simplex

How do you get cold sores? how do you get herpes and here in this video we will explain you what causes cold sores, and some tips and cream to get rid of it.


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