Real vs Fake Strawberries. How to spot organic Strawberries from GMO ones

#strawberry #organic #GMO

How can you tell if strawberries are fake?
Mock Strawberry vs. Wild Strawberry: How to Tell the Difference
Mock strawberries have a bumpy texture while wild strawberries have a nearly flat surface, with seeds that give a small amount of texture. This is one of the most obvious tells. Mock strawberries taste like close to nothing. They’re watery, bland and seem to lack any flavor at all

And although the red fruits look pretty similar to the real thing, mock strawberries are typically a little smaller with more distinguished bumps. Crucially, the fake fruits grow upward, making them much more visible amongst their green leaves. On the flip side, real strawberries grow downward.

Strawberries and summer go together like ice cream and hot fudge. You can’t have one without the other! Whether you grow your own strawberries or run to the grocery store to stay stocked, it’s inevitable that you’ll find these bright red berries everywhere. They’re juicy, sweet and perfect all summer long in fresh strawberry recipes.

But you might have also seen mock strawberries—little red berries on your lawn that look vaguely familiar. They’re definitely not the sweet fruit we’re all used to.

What is the use of false strawberry?
Indian Strawberry
It is used in the treatment of boils and absesses, burns, weeping eczema, ringworm, snake and insect bites and traumatic injuries. A decoction of the leaves is medicinal and used in the treatment of swellings. An infusion, or liquid extract, of the flowers is used to activate the blood circulation.

Are pink strawberries real?
What are pink strawberries? – Nutrition Solutions
Have you seen these little pink strawberries at Costco or your local grocery store? They look like underripe strawberries, but they’re not. These little gems are actually pineberries – which is a fusion of the words “pineapple” and “strawberry” although there isn’t any pineapple in them.


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