Does allopathic thyroid medication have any side effect? – Dr. Sanjay Panicker

The allopathic thyroid medication does not have any side effects because thy are very similar to the hormones being secreted by your body, in composition it is same. So no way that it can have a side effect, until and unless he has an allergy to that medicine, but that is temporary and the minute you stop it, it is alright, certain thyroid medicines can have some amount of lactose and if he is intolerant to it, then he may develop some side effect especially people with coeliac disease may have symptoms when they are on thyroid medication. Other than that there are no side effects. In homeopathy we deal with thyroid in a holistic approach, a holistic approach means we find out what all health problems this person has, what’s the personality type of this person, what is the state of mind of the person, how it is connected with disease, like when you are angry then adrenaline is released from your body, then it affects your body in a certain way, when you are sad, certain other chemicals are released. So we have to know a little about you, what kind of a person you are , what is your personality, how you react to certain situations in stress. That will decide on how it reacts your body in turn and why your thyroid problem has thus developed. There are thyroid problems that originate from within, that is your own immune system doing damage to the thyroid. Or it can be due to deficiencies, if so, it can be corrected. If it is an autoimmune process, then that problem has to be corrected and thus the thyroid function can be restored. In homeopathy the most commonly used medicine is thyroidinum. But most appropriate prescription would be an individualized constitutional prescription based on the type of the personality of the person, then it works better for the patient. For example, Calcarea carb is a very good constitutional remedy. Lycopodium is a very good constitutional remedy. We also have remedies like phosphors, iodine used in homeopathy to improve the thyroid function. And a lot of medicines containing iodine helps to improve the thyroid function.


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