8 Warning Signs Your Overall Health Is At Risk

Our daily lives keep us so busy, we barely have time to think about our health. There are so many things we need to consider when keeping our bodies in shape. Luckily for you, we’re here to help.

Today, we’re talking about signs your overall health is at risk. Are you feeling dizzy? How about numbness? Are you experiencing swelling? Wait a second, you’re getting chest pains all the time? we’re talking all that And more..

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Medical Disclaimer:

#HealthRisk #WarningSigns #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Chest Pain – 00:28
Hair Loss – 01:43
Tearing Sensation – 02:41
Dizzy – 03:34
Numbness – 04:30
Tingling – 05:15
Sweat – 05:53
Weight Loss – 07:31


Let’s start with chest pain. This is one of the more serious signs that your health is in trouble. A crushing chest pain is a sign that you’re about to have a heart attack. Maybe not right away, but very soon. It’s especially scary if these chest pains are frequent. Now, when I say pain, I’m not just talking about some burning discomfort. This feels like actual pressure on your chest. A lot of the time, it feels like someone is squeezing without letting go.

Another really scary sign of bad health is hair loss. No, it’s not as painful as chest pain, but it can still strike some fear into you. Now it’s pretty common to start losing your hair, so don’t be too shocked right out the gate. Most men will start noticing some hair loss around the age of 30. As for women, they’ll start noticing after the 40 mark. This is known as alopecia. It can be either temporary or permanent depending on your health situation.

Take a tearing sensation for example. Have you ever felt a tear in one of your muscles? Of course you have. It comes with a hard day’s work. But have you ever felt a tear even when you haven’t done anything physical? Now, that’s something serious. A random tear in your muscles can be the sign of a ruptured aorta (ay-or-tuh).

Dizziness is one thing, but how about numbness? This is another reason to be concerned. If you’re feeling numb on one side of your body, it could signal that you’re having a stroke. Loss of feeling anywhere is your brain telling you it’s in trouble, and is no longer sending nerve signals.

There are so many weird sensations you feel when your body isn’t acting right. Sometimes we feel numb. Sometimes we feel dizzy. Other times, we feel random tingling. Tingling anywhere on your body is uncomfortable. If you’re constantly feeling that tingling sensation, and you can’t explain why, it’s good to get a check up. This is another sign your health isn’t great.

When we put our bodies to work, our body will react accordingly. If you’re in the middle of physical labor or exercise, you’re going to sweat a lot. But, if you’re sweating more than usual, and for no apparent reason, it could be a sign of thyroid disease.

Let’s turn our attention to a couple silent signs. Have you ever lost a significant amount of weight? There’s no moment more proud than this one. You feel like you can conquer the world when you’re in shape. But if weight loss has come out of nowhere, consider this a red flag.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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