Stop buying hair gel and use Flax Seeds to make a healthy natural hair gel

Did you know Flax Seeds are great for making a hair gel that actually promotes growth and prevents hair breakage? Besides being chalk full of nutrients, the second best part is that Flax Seed Hair Gel is super easy to make. So check out this video and give it a try.

In two cups of water, slowly bring one-fourth cup of flax seeds to a boil. This should be a slow boil and stir while it is boiling so the seeds do not stick to the bottom of the pan.

Turn off stove, remove pot from hot “eye” of stove, and let gel cool to room temperature.

Put a cheesecloth over a large bowl or cup with enough overhang on the sides to allow you room to pick it up on the sides once you pour the flaxseed gel in.

Pour the flaxseed gel into the cheesecloth. Pick up the cheesecloth from the sides and twist the “overhand” together. Hold it at the top with one hand, and with the other hand, squeeze the gel back into the bowl and cup. Keep squeezing until you get as much gel as possible out.

Pour gel into a jar or squeeze bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Apply gel to damp hair and let air dry.

Video does a better job at explaining, so please watch and, of course, hit me up if you have questions.

Thank you for watching! 😁🙌🏾💚

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#flaxseed #hairgel #hairgrowth #hairstyling


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