7 Ways to Cure Eczema With Natural Ingredients

7 Ways to Cure Eczema With Natural Ingredients. Eczema is a skin inflammation disorder that can affect anyone, from babies to adults.

This inflammation can occur anywhere, but usually more common on the feet and hands. Some common tips to avoid outbreaks of eczema are to avoid usage of harsh chemicals in soaps and detergents, keep the skin moisturized, avoiding spending time in extreme temperatures and usage of perfumes.

Eczema can be treated with natural home remedies. Here are natural ingredients to get rid of eczema.

1. Palmarosa Essential Oil.
The essential oil of palmarosa has many dermatological benefits such as that it helps in regenerating of the skin.
2. Calophylle Oil.
Calophylle Oil is widely used to treat various skin conditions. It is useful in conditions such as varicose veins, psoriasis¸ burns, insect bites, acne and more. Calophylle Oil is especially useful during eczema for its anti-inflammatory, healing, soothing properties.
3. Burdock tea.
Burdock is purifying plant that has a healing effect on the skin, it also has a tonic action on the liver and pancreas.
4. Chamomile Flowers.
The flowers of chamomile are known for their soothing properties along with their anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
5. Tea of Viola Tricolor flowers.
Viola Tricolor is well known for its anti-inflammatory, depurative, diuretic and also antitussive properties.
6. Elm Buds Macerate.
Elm Buds sooth skin problems; they are especially useful during oozing from skin in eczema. Elm Buds macerate is available in pharmacies and organic stores.
7. Crab Apple Essential Oil.
Crab Apple helps sooth the allergic reaction of eczema. Dilute 4 drops 4 times a day in a glass of water and consume the same for 7 days. Because of its alcohol content, the said remedy is not recommended for people having alcohol intolerance, pregnant or breastfeeding women and children less than 10 years of age.

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All the content in this video is just as an alternative treatment. Do not serve as the main reference for treatment, you should consult a doctor.

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All the content in this video is just as an alternative treatment. Do not serve as the main reference for treatment, you should consult a doctor.

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