How to manage rashes on buttocks? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

Rashes which are seen on the groins or the buttock areas could be fungal infections. These kind of fungal infections have slowly started becoming resistant to the normal antifungal tablets which are being given. But before we rush into it and say that you’re being resistant to ketoconazole which is the normal anti fungal you are taking,I think you should consider even matters of hygiene. In the buttock area people tend to wear trousers without washing and that can cause a recurrence of the fungal infection. So make sure you using thin cotton trousers and these go for wash every time you wear them instead of wearing thick jeans and they are not being washed very frequently. In spite of it you feel that the fungal infection is coming back you need to consider the itraconazole dose and if the dose has been adequate then maybe its time to do a small fungal culture to make sure that you are not resistant to this antifungal tablet and then change the antifungal tablet ton an unrelated antifungal tablet.


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