How to Treat Impetigo at Home || 6 Simple Home Remedies for Impetigo

6 Simple Home Remedies for Impetigo !!

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin condition, most common among the infants and children between 2 to 5 years of age. Impetigo exhibits as red-colored sores on the face, particularly around the mouth and nose which may burst later on and leave honey-colored crust like skin. Impetigo may also appear on other body parts as well, such as; hands, feet, arms, and neck. Mainly two of the pathogenic bacterial strains, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus, are involved in causing impetigo condition by invading and infecting the skin through bruises, breaks or cuts.

Impetigo may appear in any of the three distinct forms;

• Impetigo Contagiosa – Most common form of impetigo among children without deeper penetration.
• Bullous Impetigo – Common on the trunk of infants and children with large sized blisters.
• Ecthyma – More serious form that penetrates deeper in the skin, causing painful ulcers.

In today’s video, we will discuss about 6 Simple Home Remedies for Impetigo.

1. Applying A Hot Compress
The principle behind using a hot compress for impetigo treatment is the bacterial killing effect of heat. Heat applied through a hot compress may help to relieve the impetigo symptoms by drying out the pustules and killing the bacteria. To make a hot compress, dip a clean piece of cloth (preferably cotton) into hot water and wring it slightly to remove excess water. Apply this hot moist cloth directly onto the affected area, leaving until the skin soothes away. You may alternatively use a hair drier for the purpose of heating your affecting skin. Use this remedy several times a day on a regular basis.

2. Applying A Blend of Two Oils – Tea Tree Oil and Olive Oil
A combination of tea tree oil and olive oil does wonders for the natural treatment of impetigo. This helps relieve the skin inflammation and provide amazing anti-microbial properties to void out the infection. Mix together a spoon of olive oil with few drops of tea tree oil and apply the blend directly onto the affected area, leaving for half an hour and then rinsing off with slightly warm water. Use this remedy at least two times a day on a regular basis for a faster recovery.

3. Applying the Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera possesses the remarkable antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that make it one of the best remedies for a number of infectious diseases. Impetigo may be cured faster by using the antioxidant properties of Aloe Vera Gel. For this purpose, take a leaf of Aloe Vera and cut it open into two halves to expose out the inside gel. Take this gel out with the help of a spatula and apply directly onto the affected area, leaving for half an hour and then rinsing off with water. Repeat this remedy two to three times daily and you will surely see a difference within a week.

4. Applying the Garlic Paste
Garlic possesses one of the best healing properties, helping to alleviate the impetigo symptoms fast. It helps prevent the irritated skin, most common in impetigo that would otherwise lead to severe itchiness on the skin. To use garlic for the natural treatment of impetigo condition, simply crush 3 cloves of garlic into a paste form and apply this paste directly onto the affected area, leaving for 10 minutes and then rinsing off with slightly warm water. Use this remedy at least twice a day for a regular basis.

5. Applying the Manuka Honey
Manuka honey offers an amazing treatment for impetigo by providing the anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties while also aiding in preventing the spread of this condition. You will also observe faster healing of skin sores which would not be coming back. To use this remedy, you simply need to apply a spoonful of manuka honey directly onto the affected skin area, leaving for 2 to 3 hours and then rinsing off with lukewarm water. You may use this remedy as many times as possible in a day until you notice bettering of the condition.

6. Applying Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Apple Cider Vinegar, through its acidic nature, provides the best solution to relieve the impetigo condition by providing antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It helps disinfect the area, killing off the pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, the ACV works much like an antibiotic without the side effects as associated with synthetic antibiotics. In order to use this remedy, mix half a tablespoon of ACV into a cup of lukewarm water and apply the solution directly onto the affected area with the help of a cotton ball, leaving until dry and then rinsing off with water. Use the remedy twice a day on a regular basis.



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