How To Get Sexy Skin and Humming Hormones

… Years ago, I had terrible skin. I had eczema, acne and cold sore outbreaks … it was not sexy! Looking back, I realise it was a total reflection of my internal state. On top of all that, I also had crazy hormones and I even lost my period, and my mind.

The scary part about what I have just described is that none of this is uncommon and more and more women are experiencing similar problems due to stress, diet, environmental factors and other health issues… But, as I’ve learned, it doesn’t have to be that way and you don’t have to settle for feeling ‘blah’!

The truth is, you can nourish your body with delicious real food and support it in the process. You can create kick-ass vibrant health that has you glowing from the inside out. And you can learn how to honour your temple in the sacred, meaningful way that your body and soul have been crying out for… You just need to know how.

That’s why I created my new ebook The Glow Kitchen — your no B.S guide to sexy skin, humming hormones and foods that will rock your world. You’ll learn all about my food philosophy and how I got clear skin, overcame my hormonal issues and got my period back. This baby’s a game-changer!

If you want sexy skin and humming hormones, head here now to find out more…

I can’t wait to share this with you.

Love Melissa

P.S. Come hang out with me, beautiful! I’m going to be answering all your burning questions LIVE on Tuesday 15th September at 7pm AEST. All you have to do is follow this link, and make sure you leave your questions in the comments…


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