How to remove birthmarks

Lasers and Lifts – more on birthmark removal by Dr Davin Lim

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Birthmarks can be removed using different methods. The most common birthmark I see are red ones called portwine stains.
Brown birthmarks are very common, CALM or café au lait macules occur in 10-20% of the population .They respond well to laser therapy. The Picosure laser has not enough power in the filtered 532 setting, and other lasers are better.

Congenital melanocytic naevi require excision. Some can be faded with fractional CO2 lasers, however 10-15 sessions are need. The retarded monkeys that work in Medicare they can not understand the impact of these birthmarks on patients and hence fractional lasers do not carry a rebate- either for birthmark removal or scar revision. My fight with them continues in another undercover video.

Thanks for watching, and remember to subscribe for the latest video and information on laser and aesthetic dermatology. One new video every Saturday morning, Brisbane Time.
Dr Davin Lim, Lasers and Lifts. Brisbane. Australia.


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