Aqua green fresh burdock root tea

Up to 75% of burdock root is made of complex carbohydrates, called Fructo-oligo-saccharides, FOS in burdock increase the good bacteria in our guts and digestive system and blocks the dangerous bacteria in our guts and digestive systems, then our immune system gets to work to strengthen our body and suppresses abnormal cell growth. Once the FOS in burdock root begin to work in our body, they block further dangerous bacteria’s and chemicals from entering the body cells. Stop! We are the FOS, you can’t come in! You need to leave, now! We all need the FOS in burdock root working to keep dangerous bacteria’s and chemicals out of our body.
Burdock root contains a proven anti mutagenic, called, ‘the B Factor’. The B Factor in burdock, works through our liver to reduce cell mutation and to help get rid of cancerous growths and other malignant conditions. Since burdock works via the liver it is especially useful to detoxify the entire body. Burdock root very quickly helps our body’s get rid of the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic and is being used to day in parts of the world to helps reverse the effects of radiation exposure and to prevent damage to DNA . If you are using burdock root to help detoxify your body from the effects of cigarettes, heavy metal or radiation the fresh root is best, but dried will also help to some extent.
Burdock is high in mucilage so it has a very soothing effect on our digestive tract and is useful in Chrons disease and Diverticulosis.
Burdock contains at least 5 powerful flavonoid type antioxidants that help ward off all kinds of diseases.
Burdock root helps to clear congestion in the respiratory system, like colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma,
Burdock root helps to clear congestion in the lymphatic system like allergies, chronic sinusitis, eczema and other skin conditions, bacterial infections, cancer, arthritis and obesity.
Burdock root helps to clear congestion in the urinary system like cystitis, UTI’s and kidney infections, burdock root can actually work to break up kidney stones. Burdock root is a uterine stimulant so pregnant women should not use burdock root in an infusion or decoction but a weak tea, occasionally, would be all right.
Burdock root helps to clear congestion of the circulatory systems, and helps to reduce build up of cholesterol on artery and heart walls, helps to break up blood clots, and helps with controlling high blood pressure.
The fresh root of Burdock contains Polyacetylenes that kills out bacterial and fungal skin infections like ringworm, impetigo, carbuncles, athlete’s foot. Rub the very fresh root over the affected area, it will be useful also towards eczema, psoriasis and hives.
For diabetics, the high levels of FOS in burdock, when used as an infusion, can help to keep blood sugar levels constant.
How to use Burdock
If you plan to use any Wildcrafted plants to help you address a health problem, you first have to get some good sound advice from a holistic practioner, you cannot just decide to begin to use plants to help cure your ailments without consulting an educated practioner. If you are a healthy person without any present dis-eases, why not start using these plants to keep you that way?
Caution again, there are always cautions when
Make sure that you know burdock before you begin to gather it to use.
Roots can be dug up to eat fresh or to dried for later use in teas, infusions and decoctions. Once you dig up the root, you will need to wash it, and if you want to dry it to store away for future use, pat the root dry, and cut it up, and lay it out on top of your fridge on a holey pizza pan or a cloth and it will dry in about 3 weeks. Or take a recycled onion bag and put the root in that to hang to dry.
The very best place to dig for burdock root, is by a river. Don’t try to dig burdock roots out of the rocks or gravely soil, and good luck trying to dig it out of a field, you are going to be there a very long time and you are going to be digging a very deep hole! Go by a river or a fast moving stream to dig burdock root. Find a plant that is growing not 5 or 10 feet from the river but right on the very side of the river, almost in the water, and the roots will just pop right out. Burdock is easiest to gather by a fast moving water, and burdock will quickly help rid our bodies of contaminants.


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