#papadie#drveronikasandul PENTRU CE AM COLECTAT FLORI DE PAPADIE?-Why I collected dandelion flowers

#papadie#drveronikasandul PENTRU CE AM COLECTAT FLORI DE PAPADIE?-Why I collected dandelion flowers
#ulei din papadie #drveronikasandul
Dandelion oil oil, with its multiple benefits for the body, can be used in creams, for massage as an alternative remedy for dry skin, in case of eczema, dermatitis, burns, etc.
Dandelion oil –
Tincture of dandelion:Put the dandelion flowers into the jar.Add the 40%-75% of Vodca or Wysky.
After 150 days you can use .It is a good remedy for fluidizing stagnant mucus in the digestive tract, with multiple disorders (hepato-biliary, but also constipation and difficult digestion). Main recommendations: – Liver and bile ducts: Supports good functioning of the liver and bile.
Another home oil: Ulei facuta acasa

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Liver detox at home:
Detoxifierea ficatului

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Natural remedies:
LEACURI din Batrani

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Ma gasiti si pe retelele de socializare:

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