Mental Health Chat // Updates, Relapsing, Depression, Eating Disorders

I wanted to start up the conversation again on my channel about mental health. I’m extremely passionate about this topic and I think it shouldn’t be over looked. Im sorry if this video is a little depressing but sometimes that just real life. I hope you find this video helpful and it inspires you to share your story. I love you all!! xoxo, Ali

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F O L L O W M E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

B L O G —

I N S T A G R A M — Alexandria_Bullock

T W I T T E R — Alexcbullock

E M A I L — [email protected]

Please feel free to contact me through any of my social media if you need anyone to talk to.

Thank you so much for clicking on this video! I cannot express how much your support means to me! You are incredible, amazing, beautiful, enough, gorgeous!!! Please Remember that!!


For all business inquires please email me at – –

[email protected]

————-F A V O R I T E S O N G S A T T H E M O M E N T————-
21 Questions – Waterparks
Perfect – Ed Sheeran
Ride It Out – Makeout
Sirens – Make Out Monday

P L E A S E S U B S C R I B E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

– – – – National Suicide Prevention Hotline – – – – –
CALL 1-800-273-8255

P H I L I P P I A N S 4 : 13
” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ”

L U K E 1 : 3 7
” For nothing will be impossible with God. ”

S O N G O F S O L O M O N 4 : 7
” You are all together beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you. ”

P R O V E R B S 31 : 10
” you are more valuable than rubies. ”

” In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity ‘ – Albert Einstein



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