The Best Hair Loss Clinic will offer Diagnosis

The Best Hair Loss Clinic will offer Diagnosis

To treat hair concerns such as hair loss and hair thinning one must understand the symptoms and associated causes by visiting or consulting with a Trichologist who has studied and understands the science of the hair and scalp and how it is effected by health, hormonal, hereditary and environmental factors. In addition to understanding the science your hair loss specialist should understand how cellular changes effects hair growth and the hair cycle function.
Reading the hair cycle to establish how the hair is or not growing and comparing to the pattern thinning common areas or areas of alopecia clearly show what is happening giving an accurate diagnosis which allows the correct Home Hair Loss Treatments plan addressing all symptoms and causes for best results.
The Best Hair Loss Clinic offering Diagnosis will:
• Save you spending time and money on the wrong treatments for your individual hair loss
• Help you understand what is happening
• Put your mind at ease and release commonly associated hair anxiety
Absolique Hair Health Clinic offer the ‘Hair Health and Scalp Check’ service which is a combination consultation, microscopic diagnosis and explanation of what is found through reading your hair and scalp. This is a friendly session, not invasive but can be confrontational due to the microscopic images, but we guarantee you will leave learning and understanding so much about your hair and scalp. Cost is $200 of this service and takes up to 75 minutes. Please don’t wash your hair for 2 days prior to this service and call reception to make your booking as they are essential 07 3229 3242.


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