Cold Sores? Get Rid Of Them Today! HSV No More I Nutrition and Natural Remedies

Cold Sores – Get Rid Of Them Today! HSV No More

A cold sore is a group of tiny, red, fluid-filled blisters that form near the mouth or sometimes on other areas of the face. Despite the name, they are not caused by a cold, they are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV). They are painful, uncomfortable, and I often cause you to feel embarrassed.

Approximately 90% of people from all over the world will have at least one form of HSV.
Cold sores may also bring with them fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and muscle soreness. If you are experiencing a cold sore for the first time then you may also experience a burning sensation inside your mouth, a sore throat, an upset stomach, headaches, and pain when swallowing.
Once cold sores have healed, the virus will lie dormant in the body, living in your nerves. New sores will appear when the virus is reactivated. Certain triggers will cause the virus to become active again or initiate a first-time cold sore if you have never had one before. The triggers include: Weak immune system, sun exposure, menstruation, eczema, stress, fatigue, and even certain foods.
Now that we understand what cold sores are, and what triggers them, let’s get onto getting rid of them.

Ice and Cold Water
Apply a washcloth that has been soaked in cold water or ice to the sores to shorten the duration of a cold sore. Once the tingling or burning sensation starts (before the formation of a blister), apply ice or a cold compress to the area to alleviate pain and inflammation, and to prevent the blister from developing.

Aloe Vera

A cooling gel layer can be found within the succulent plant Aloe Vera. The gel-like substance offers soothing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties that help heal the skin and the blisters quickly. Apply Aloe Vera gel to the infected area three times a day until the lesion has dried.

Witch Hazel
This is a natural astringent herb that helps dry out and heal cold sores. The anti-viral properties of the herb may inhibit the spread of the cold sore blisters. Apply witch hazel directly to the infected area using a moistened cotton ball. Using light pressure, hold it onto your skin, and be careful not to rub. Continue using the herb until the area has completely healed.

l- Lysine
l-Lysine is an herbal supplement that can be taken orally or as a topical treatment for cold sores. It is an essential amino acid that the body needs but does not produce naturally. Lysine can be found in foods that are high in protein such as beef, chicken, lamb, oysters, prawns, soybeans, and fenugreek seed. Lysine boosts the immune system, aids cell repair, and has anti-viral properties. 1,000mg a day of lysine helps ward off cold sores as well as manages the inflammation when you do get one since it suppresses the virus.

Eat Less Foods Containing Arginine
As mentioned, arginine is the amino acid that the virus needs to replicate. Deprive the herpes simplex virus of the essential nutrient and it will be starved and unable to replicate. Without arginine ‘feeding’ the virus, your cold sores will be able to heal faster. The following foods contain the amino acid and should be avoided if you have a cold sore:

– Peanuts and other nuts
– Legumes
– Whole grains
And unfortunately, Chocolate too

Vitamin C
Taking 200mg of Vitamin C a day will speed up healing time of an existing cold sore, if you feel the tingly sensation of one starting then take 1000mg to prevent the outbreak. Vitamin C alone is not as effective as when it is combined with bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are part of the Vitamin C complex and are present in the peels of citrus foods, including oranges and grapefruit.

Licorice Root

Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin acid which is an antiviral that helps speed up the healing time of cold sores. Licorice root cream is available to apply topically to the infected area with cold sores.

Zinc oxide is an odorless, white powder that occurs naturally in the mineral zincate. Applying topical zinc oxide cream to the infected area helps shorten the duration of the cold sores.

*Get only the best Natural Herbs and Essential Oils – Click on the links below*
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