Can You Treat Dandruff Naturally, Using Holistic Medicine?

Let’s talk a little bit about dandruff. Now dandruff in its aggravated form is technically know as subarea dermatitis. It involves scaling of the scalp with redness, and when it gets bad, scaling of the eyebrows, of the forehead, and sometimes even of the chest. It’s caused by a reaction to a yeast that lives normally in the skin known as melaceisia, previously called pederesporum.

And it is know that that yeast is a problem many of the shampoo cure that yeast. My understanding is that, it’s just not the yeast that is there, but the attack of that yeast by the immune system and that is caused by overgrowth and overexposure to yeast in the body. So it’s important to make changes to what’s in your diet that is contributing to the overgrowth of that yeast and to the yeast that are leading to the attack on your hair follicles that is causing the dandruff.


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