What is included in topical treatment for Psoriasis?-Dr. Sravya Tipirneni

There are very many treatments available for psoriasis today. There are topical treatments, there are oral medications and there is phototherapy and a lot of never modalities as well. Topical treatments in psoriasis is the main stay of the therapy are extremely effective unless the psoriasis is extremely severe. Almost 80% of the cases can be treated with topical treatment alone, considering the surface area involved. I will be enumerating the most common that we give for psoriasis in a daily basis. The basic one is cold tag ointment or shampoos or other formulations which help remove the other excess scales that are formed in psoriasis. Salicylic acid containing formulations help in desquamating these scales. Calcitriol or calcipotriene is a Vitamin D3 analogue also helps in psoriasis. Topical corticosteroids for the main stay of psoriasis treatments and there are different potencies available from very mild potent to superpotent corticosteroids. This are usually used even alone or in combination with a Vitamin D3 derivative or a keratolytic like salicylic acid, which makes them way more effective. Calcineurin inhibitors are the newer modalities of treatment. Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are the newer drugs which are also given in psoriasis. This is always accompanied by oral medications if necessary, depending on the number of flares per years, what is the extent of body involvement in psoriasis. There are a lot of parameters that a dermatologist will look into. There is no standard treatment for every person. We cater to each patient very differently, it has to be tailor made for each psoriatic person.


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