How Your Diet Affects Your Oral & Overall Health | Dr. Ann Nguyen-Chung

Meet Dr. Ann Kartini Nyugen-Chung, a plant-based dentist in Northern California. She works for the Redding Rancheria Health System. In this episode, Dr. Ann shares with us her own personal health challenges prior to going plant-based. She was able to reverse most of her health concerns.

We talk about her patients and common issues she sees in her office. Diet and lifestyle play a huge role in oral health. We discuss topics such as acid erosion, root canals, using fluoride, oil pulling and other fads that people use for oral health. Dr. Ann also explains how cosmetic work can help with reconstruction, rebuilding, functionality, speech and can help with breathing.

Dr. Ann developed a passion project called Happi Hippo Plant Organics which consists of biodegradable lip balms, toothbrushes, dental floss, and soaps. This was a result of her developing a painful rash around the mouth from an allergic reaction to one of her lips balms.

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About Plant-Based DFW Podcast:
Our podcast is recorded in Dallas, Texas and features guests from all over the world. We focus on the main topic of LIFESTYLE MEDICINE. Our goal is to provide resources to help you take control of your health.

*We address the importance of eating plant-based foods for health, immunity and to prevent/reverse disease.
*We talk about the importance of having a regular exercise routine.
*We talk about stress management.
*We talk about the importance of having healthy relationships.

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