Causes & management of pimples on scrotum & penile shaft in young men – Dr. Nischal K

Pimple like eruption on the scrotum and genitalia of young men is most often because of some infections. There are various infections like molluscum contgiosum, chancroid, syphyllis. These lesions can present as pimple like eruptions and these may or may not cause pain. Depending upon the condition, the clinical features are varied and based on the clinical examination, some lab tests are one, like VDLR tests. Sometimes we go ahead with a biopsy and sometimes we do a skin smear. So these investigations help us to arrive at a diagnosis and treat it appropriately however pimple like eruptions can happen because of contact irritant dermatitis, means something which has been applied on the gentilia for whatever reasons, these things give not only pain, but itching, burning sensation many at times. In addition to this, there can be allergic reaction to latex, that is the condom which has been used, and that also can give rise to either itching, boils, pain or sometimes cut like things on the skin. Very rarely there can be some amount of fungal infection on the tip of the penis an there people complain of lot of itching. So based on these features and also some investigations the diagnosis is made and we treat it appropriately. Infections like cancroid, syphilis require antibiotic treatment, infections like fungal infections require antifungal treatment which usually goes for about one to two weeks’ time. Apart from this, personal hygiene has to be maintained whenever you see any pimple or any boil or any discharge coming out, keep the area clean. Consult your dermatologist at the earliest.


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