Dry Skin and Eczema Treatment – Pathway to Eczema

Dry skin and Eczema, how are we going to prevent dry skin? Treatment options for dry skin and eczema. Avoid these daily to help prevent Eczema.

Hello and welcome back to online derm clinic, I’m dr. Chris shock. Today’s. Module will be about treatment options for dry skin and eczema. We hope you find this tutorial helpful. So let’s. Talk more about dry skin and eczema prevention and treatment options well, so dry.

Skin again is aesthetic ptosis! Well, here’s that pathway to eczema. We talked about in an earlier lecture, so dry, skin and also known as aesthetic ptosis, also known as cirrhosis can lead to itching and the more you scratch the skin, the more irritated the skin can become and you can induce eczema well.

How are we going to prevent this dry skin?

Well often, so often it’s, something that we’re doing to ourselves. So harsh soaps that’s a common thing that we run into so using a mild soap will help with dry skin and eczema. When you bathe a soap substitute want to avoid wool, go with cotton clothing, avoid hot, avoid hot water, so a lukewarm bath or shower, and a void frequent immersion in water, so multiple showers or frequent hand washing can induce hand dermatitis.

Lotions are more water-based. So if you’re having dry skin, you want to go with a cream or an ointment and try and stick with a fragrance free cream or ointment. Those will be less irritating to the skin and we want to break the itch scratch cycle in dry skin and eczema again.

Avoid fragrance

Avoid fragrance and within dry weather consider a humidifier in your home, so repair the barrier again, lotions are least protective creams are more moisturizing and in an ointment base like Vaseline petroleum jelly will be the most protective.

So let’s look at some examples. So if you have dry skin and eczema, what are you going to use to bathe? We want you to go with a soap substitute, something like Cetaphil. Another product line is made by CeraVe.

Another good product aquaphor makes a soap substitute and dove unscented moisturizing body wash is another good option and both CFL CeraVe aquaphor and, as you can see, vana cream. These all have nice, moisturize, creams and aquaphor.

Has the thickest point midbass, if you put these on right after you get out of the shower or the bath while you’re somewhat damp, that’ll, be more moisturizing and lock in the moisture, and here you’re Again, we seed of sensitive skin soap or CeraVe, and these can all be found at most drugstores or grocery stores aquaphor as a thick appointment.

It’s more greasy and again the greasy ER you’re, going to have more protective protection. We’re gonna repair, that barrier Vaseline petroleum, jelly, inexpensive way to lock in the moisture, and if you’re having red scaly itchy patches, 1 % hydrocortisone cream is a nice over-the-counter.

A quick fix until you can get into your dermatologist

A quick fix until you can get into your dermatologist for dry skin and eczema so again, treatment and prevention control, the dry skin, stick with lukewarm baths or showers and then, while damp get greasy, you want to moisturize that skin, to lock in the moisture and also to repair the barrier and Replace some of those lost barrier, oils avoid irritants and soap and fragrance are some of the more common things we get into that can worsen dry, skin and eczema.

Topical cortisone for red irritated patches, usually twice a day, and if you can control the scratching, you want to trim the fingernails and also think about oral antihistamines at bedtime to help with itching.

Well, I hope you found this tutorial about dry skin treatment and prevention. Helpful again, thank you for allowing us to participate in your care.

Dry skin (xerosis or asteatosis) occurs when moisture and barrier oils are lost from the epidermis. This leads to cracks in the skin…..like a dry river bed. Dry skin tends to be itchy. On going dry skin with resultant scratching may lead to red, inflamed and scaly patches. This itchy inflamed skin condition is known as Eczema or dermatitis.

Eczema (dermatitis) is not contagious. While certain allergies may worsen Eczema, they are not the basic cause of Eczema. Most patients can be controlled with treatments available today. Control of Eczema is essential because the itching and other discomforts associated with this disease can intrude on the quality of life.

This information and the video used is highly recommended by Eczemanews.com as experts to follow on your path to healthier living. We suggest you navigate to their video and like and subscribe for further updates they may have on this subject.


Soap is irritating to the skin of persons with dry skin or dermatitis, and should be used sparingly, if at all. A “soap substitute” such as CeraVe, Cetaphil, Purpose or Oilatum is recommended. Dove unscented body wash is another good alternative.
Wool acts like sandpaper on dry skin. Wool blankets, upholstery, rugs, car seats and coats should be avoided. Silk and synthetic clothes may worsen the condition also. Cotton is usually well tolerated.
Dry skin may lead to dermatitis. Low humidity robs the skin of its moisture. Keep the skin moist with bland emollients such as CeraVe or Cetaphil cream. These are most beneficial when applied over wet skin after bathing. Use an ointment like Vaseline petroleum jelly or aquaphor to the most severe cases of dry skin. Sometimes creams or lotions will sting or burn when applied to raw skin. A room humidifier/cool mister is helpful during the winter months.
Emotions — The tiny skin blood vessels are under control of the sympathetic nervous system. We blush with embarrassment, flush with anger, and pale with fright. When persons with dry skin or Eczema (dermatitis) get mad, their skin gets red and starts to itch. This is true even of small babies.
The time of year — Most people with dry skin or dermatitis are worse in the winter and improve during the summer.
Geographical area — The place you live rarely makes any real difference. Dry skin and Eczema (dermatitis) occurs in all peoples of all nations of the world.
Scratching — Dry skin and dermatitis is commonly known to get worse with scratching. Persons with dry skin or dermatitis itch much more easily than those who do not have Eczema. Rubbing and scratching worsen Eczema — it is very important to minimize scratching. Eczema does not cause scars but scratching may.
Diets — Special elimination diets are seldom of help in dry skin or Eczema. A normal, well-balanced diet should be followed. Oral consumption of oils (like canola or olive oil) will not moisturize skin.

Avoid things that irritate — Fragrance, woolen products, excess heat or cold, emotional upsets, dust, soaps, animal hair, feathers. Avoid fragrant laundry detergent and avoid all fabric softeners.
Control the dry skin — Special soap substitutes should be used. Bathe no more than once daily. After bathing apply the prescribed medications or a lubricating cream or ointment to the moist skin to help keep water in the skin.
Apply a cortisone preparation to the areas of Eczema or that itch as directed, usually twice daily.
Control scratching — Stockings over hands may help control scratching in children. Keep fingernails trimmed. Antihistamines (used as anti-itch medications) are helpful, especially at bedtime.
In severe cases of Eczema or for flare ups, oral medications, light therapy, or injections may be used to control the disease. Flare-ups should be brought under control early — waiting will only make it more difficult to achieve control.

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