Causes and management of dry skin not responding to moisturizers – Dr. Nischal K

The itchy scaly rash which comes under control only with a moisturizer is a clear cut case of dryness. Whenever you apply moisturizer and it is not coming under control, we need to think that there is something more than dryness alone. The commonest thing is hand eczema. It’s also called as housewive’s eczema because people are exposed to lot of water and detergents. What it done is, it basically removes the skin’s natural moisturizers and this breaks down the normal skin barrier. So then, they are more prone for all types of infections and allergies. In this situation of the dryness is mild, then it comes down with moisturizers and emollients. If it crosses certain limits it goes for an eczema like reaction. Once it goes for eczema reaction, we need to put people on other medications like some cooling agents, then creams to reduce the eczema reaction and occasionally tablets may be required. Other common things which can be there when there is an itchy rash is a fungal infection, we call it as tenia manum or it can be psoriasis. So tenia infection, that is the fungal infection is also commonly called a ring worm infection is not so frequent. Ya, you have to consider this possibility. Especially you have any other part with an itchy rash, then the likelihood of getting tenia manum, that is a fungal infection in the palm is higher. Psoriasis is again a condition which is an ongoing process, which stays in the body for a long duration. It can either involve only the palms, or it can be present all over the body. Sometimes whenever it is only in the palms, ya people do tend to miss it out. But a clinical examination which is done thoroughly helps in picking it up in most of the occasions.


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