10 benefits when you STOP EATING SUGAR that you don't know about

10 benefits when you STOP EATING SUGAR that you don’t know about

Do you eat a lot of sugar? Can’t resist sweets – cakes, chocolates, soft drinks? And if you, from one moment to another, stopped abusing sugar, what would be the fruits you would reap later?
You know that a lot of people who are addicted to sugar – are you one of them? On average, Brazilians consume 30 kg of sugar per year. 30 kilos, almost double the recommended maximum. And that’s the average, sometimes you’re eating a lot more than that. And you also know that excess sugar is bad for your health. In the long run it can lead to obesity and diabetes.
I’m going to show you what will happen to your body when you stop eating sugar. And look, I’m going to spoiler, you’re going to get better from the inside out.

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