How to treat rashes in pubic area? – Dr. Swetha Sunny Paul

Rash in a cubic area is a very vague term because a rash can be due to various causes. You should understand that a pubic area or groin is a very moist area so it can promote a lot of infections like bacterial or fungal which are the most common causes of rash in the area. Other than that certain cosmetic products used in that area for deodorant purposes or even moisturizer cause irritation and further rashes or even just moisture itself causes irritation or friction causes irritation all these lead to rashes. One should also consider parasitic infestations such as scabies or lies they bite the area, irritate and cause rashes. Treatment depends on what the underlying cause is but we always tell the patients to keep the area clean and dry, change the under garments as often as possible at least once in the morning and once in the night. Once the treatment is over and gain its maintenance is more important otherwise you have a recurrence of these conditions.


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