Using Sang ‘s Balm Collection for eczema, dry itchy and dermatitis skin

In this video, I will be talking about how to use and choose the right product in Sang’s Balm Collection

About Sang:
Sang Ha is the founder and creator of SANG Skin Care. Sang is a health and beauty professional and comes to you with over 32 years of clinical experience. Sang is now concent sharing her knowledge and trick of the trade to educating everyday people to care for their skin through online education and hands-on workshop at her showroom. Sang Skin Care is currently distributed nationally and internationally.

Hi, my name is Sang. Welcome to Sang Skin Care secret. Take two. Hi, my name is Sang. Welcome to Sang secret. Today, I like to talk to you about dry, itchy skin eczema dermatitis, and how to best use our product and which product to use and how to go about. With all these conditions, of course, the skin is very uncomfortable, dry, itchy, sometimes a little bit painful and very inflamed.

So, a balm, at the unique point about it, is it’s able to penetrate down many layers of the skin and lock in the moisture, at the same time deliver product ingredients that able to assist in the healing of the skin and reduce inflammation.

Now, there is a full balm in our collection. The recovery balm being our hero product and this is the full strength. That product, if your condition is on the face, I would highly recommend. That’s what you would use continuously because it’s also an anti-aging product and also help to clear blemishes and so on.

Now, if your condition is all over the body and it’s a big area, and if the condition is not so severe, use the S.O.S. balm and use the recovery balm on the area that actually needs a little bit more attention. If the area is quite severe over the body, start off with the recovery balm. As soon as the areas sub-size, you can then could go to the S.O.S. balm. Then after a while, you can move down even to the lavender and to vitamin E, and only use Recovery Balm on the area that really needed it.

Now, once the condition is under control, do not just stop using any kind of moisturizer on the skin because the condition, how it started on the first place, is that it’s through the damage of the stratum corneum, which is the outer layer of the skin. When that is like the wall, protective wall for our inner skin to our outer environment, and when it left too dry, it then cracks. When it crack, it actually loses moisture. When that happened, when the stratum corneum is not healthy, the skin is not functioning properly and that’s where your problem starts in the first place.

So please keep in mind that there it is something that you would want to keep your eye on. Once the condition is under control, you’ll find how often you need to use that product. In most case, I would recommend that you would use it daily thereafter. I hope the information helped. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to send me an email.

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