Best First Aid Kit on the Market! All Stop Family ER Kit

Allstop Best First Aid Kit education series. This video covers the different uses of the First Aid Kit and tips on on to use it.

First aid kit is considered as an important device, whether you are at home or outside your home. Due to importance of first aid kits, the traditional kits are now customized according to the usage and storage. Following are some of the famous first aid kits available in the market:

1) DIY Kit
This kit includes bandages and medicines. Different types of bandages like kerlix, butterfly, and ace bandage are included in the kit. The medicine section consists of Tylenol, aspirin Benadryl and any medicine for diarrhea. Other important accessories include pair of rubber gloves, paramedic scissors, alcohol pads, Neosporin, duct tape, and a CPR face shield.

2) Pocket Size First Aid Kits
This kit is very good remedies for minor skin wounds .To treat minor blisters; the kit consists of antiseptic pad, moleskin pad, and alcohol pad for wound cleaning.

3) Disaster Kits
This kit is big enough to handle a group of four people for consecutive three days. The medicines and the bandages in the kit are stored in a 5-gallon plastic bottle that can be changed into a toilet if needed at the time of disaster. Sometimes these kits are available in metal instead of plastic so they can be used to cook and boil water. The kit also contains trash bags that can be converted into sleeping bags and contain an all purpose wrench and an emergency radio. This is the most famous first aid kits for disaster management.

4) Backpacking Kit

These kits are very light and watertight. There are many types of bandages in this kit which can help to relieve serious wounds, and also an irrigation syringe for flushing out serious wounds.

Other types of famous first aid kits available in the market are automobile kits, boating first aid kit and non-human first aid kits. Although there are some common elements found in the first aid kits, but sometimes the contents are changed for different emergency situations.
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