How dangerous- children yeast infection.wmv

Children yeast infection occurs when the fungus candida albicans overgrows in the multitude in some of the moist, damp and warm environments of the body. Although yeast infection occurs mostly in adults, children are not spared from having it. The most common being their moms are infected with yeast.

Because some diseases also show similar symptoms with that of yeast, it’s not impossible for misdiagnosis to happen. One of those few cases include severe cases of diarrhea that’s lasting for a month, ringworm (a fungal infection in a round scab) and an athlete’s food resulting in a very bad smell.

Children yeast infection is rampant, particularly to those kids who are not receiving enough nutrients from the five main food groups. Also, children who love to eat sugary foods and those high in carbohydrates attract candida yeast infection to flourish easily.
In addition, children who have gone rigid antibiotic treatments show increased possibilities as well. Doctor prescribes antibiotics to cure certain illnesses but also increasing the chances of yeast to survive. Antibiotics kill bacteria, including the good ones, leaving the body open for subsequent yeast attacks.

Common manifestations of yeast attacks in children are the thrush or oral yeast infections. It shows as a white spot in the tongue paired with bad breathe or halitosis. Red spots occur anywhere in the mouth area too.

In babies, yeast infection manifests frequent diaper rashes and abdominal pain that lasts over three months — indicators that yeast is thriving in the baby’s body.

Other children yeast infection show symptoms like eczema, hives, digestive problems that result to diarrhea and bloating. Be vigilant with repeated ear infections because it also indicates that yeast is living in your child’s ear. Of course, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to control the infections, which could only result to more problems.

Yeast loves sweet, so you have to stop feeding your kid with sugary foods. Headaches, nasal congestions and persistent coughs are also indicators of yeast infestation. Additionally, your child becomes hyperactive, feeling depressed or unhappy most of the time, has learning difficulties and with a very short attention span.

You need to free your kid with yeast as soon as possible before it gets too serious. Yeast can spread anywhere in the body if remained untreated for a longer time. Consult your doctor today for an effective children yeast infection treatment method available for your child today.

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