Mother's Day – Get Salty + Sound Bath

Get Salty
60min Float
45min Salt Cave

60 min Floatation Therapy – Sensory deprivation tanks are for the body and mind to enjoy deep rest and recovery by means of experiencing zero gravity from dense epsom saltwater with little to no sensory inputs. The ideal is to float in complete darkness with no sounds, and no sense of touch (water is set to body temperature) to enter a deep state of rest. After about 15-30 minutes of floating, your mind starts producing theta brainwaves, which are responsible for that ‘between waking & sleeping’ state. Everything you experience while floating comes from within yourself; it’s the perfect time to reflect on your life. Studies indicate that floating increases your dopamine, serotonin and endorphin levels, boosting your mood and leaving you feeling pleasant for days afterwards.

45min Halotherapy (Salt Cave) – Pharmaceutical grade salt is placed into a halogenerator that then precisely grinds the salt into specific micro-sized particles and then disperses the salt aerosol into the air in a closed environment. As the salt travels in the salt room, these salt particles of dry sodium chloride are inhaled into the respiratory system. The dry salt naturally starts absorbing allergens, toxins and foreign substances into your lungs and throughout your respiratory tract. Dry salt may help to reduce inflammation and open airway passages which impacts people suffering from respiratory conditions like allergies, asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, COPD and others. The properties of dry salt also absorb impurities and provide anti-bacterial properties that benefit the skin such as acne, psoriasis and eczema as well as regulates the skin’s micro-circulation. The smaller particles can reach beneath the skin’s surface and absorb moisture towards the skin. The larger salt particles land on the skin and absorb any bacterial and foreign substances. The dry salt accelerates cell rejuvenation and improves skin rigidity.

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75 min Sound Bath – Evervone has a vibration that is a signature of their health and wellbeing. When we are in balance to our original nature this is known as Prakriti in Ayurveda. Similar to a musical instrument that can fall out of tune through use, our physiology can also fall out of vibrational harmony and potentially develop illness, known as Vikriti in Ayurveda. Through the law of resonance, sound and vibration can be used to re-tune us to health. I use a combination of Himalayan singing bowls, gongs, drums and chimes within our sessions to refine the system. There is different protocols to use for continued treatments, relaxation, chakra clearing or balancing, emotional release therapy and many more.


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