Best way to Get Rid of ECZEMA fast|DIY How to make effective eczema cream to heal eczema quickly

Make eczema cream/oil yourself at home with home remedies to treat your eczema naturally fast, simple, easy to prepare and very effective. This home made eczema cream is the best as it contains only natural ingredient , no steroid nor hydroquinion. The cream made in this video is very effective on eczema on the face, body, hands, feet , scalp, anywhere .

Below are links ti items used to make the eczema cream for fast healing
1 Shea butter:
2 coconut oil:
3 lavender oil:
4 Tea tree oil:
5 Mixing bowl:
6 Hitting Pan:
7 Cream storage:

Hi guys welcome as usual, eczema can be very irritating on the skin, it is caused by some health conditions and cream reactions and sun exposure, environment. People often make use of topical creams and steroids to treat eczema which works on some people but it is not the best because of the after effect of this ash chemicals on the skin which often bleach the skin on the long run or cause other skin irritations, therefore the best treatment is with effective natural ingredient as shown in the video which are Shea butter, coconut oil, lavender oil, and tea tree oil. This four ingredient when mixed together in the right measurement you will treat your eczema and prevent it from reoccurring as well.

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