Endothelial Glycocalyx Dysfunction: Another Root Cause of Disease

Learn the NEW science revealing the importance of the endothelial glycocalyx and HOW TO REVERSE IT.

🤔 Are your patients struggling with:
➡️ Diabetes
➡️ Hypertension 🩸
➡️ Heart Disease 🫀
➡️ Stroke
➡️ Kidney Disease
➡️ Dementia 🧠
➡️ Inflammatory Disorders
➡️ Compromised Immunity
➡️ Long Haul Covid 1️⃣9️⃣ complications

Learn the NEW science revealing the importance of the endothelial glycocalyx and HOW TO REVERSE IT.

💥 You will learn:
➡️ How endothelial glycocalyx is critical for vascular permeability,
➡️ inflammation, blood coagulation, and the synthesis of nitric oxide
➡️ Causes of damage to the endothelial glycocalyx
➡️ How to assess damage in your clients
➡️ How to restore glycocalyx effectively

Here’s the link:


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