Chicago Holistic Doctor shares How to Heal Eczema NATURALLY! | Dr. Shayna's Top 3 Eczema Tips

Food sensitivity testing can be ordered at this link:

 In this video, you’ll learn the top 3 secrets for healing eczema naturally from holistic dermatology expert Dr. Shayna Peter
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Eczema is an extremely common condition affecting 11% of children in the United States. Many children get eczema and struggle with it into adulthood. The good news is that advances in medical research have given us new insights into the eczema puzzle, and the great news is you can get relief from eczema NATURALLY! Like many medical conditions, eczema is caused by multiple factors.

The following tips are not an exhaustive list, but based on some of the factors I see most commonly my in practice. Keep in mind the recommendations in this article are very general . A private consultation would be needed in order to make individualized recommendations.

Identify/Avoid Food Triggers
The most common ways to identify food sensitivities are through an elimination/rotation diet or a food sensitivity test that looks for antibodies or other inflammatory mediators to a variety of foods. There are panels available that look at both food sensitivities and food allergies as well. (I’ll have to elaborate on that in another video)
I am a fan of food sensitivity testing in these cases because my goal when I work with people is to help them get results in the shortest, most painless way possible. Elimination/rotation diets can require an extraordinary amount of discipline to complete and can be very difficult to for people with busy, fast-paced lifestyles. Often times people discover sensitivities to foods they least expect. There could be some “healthy” foods you’re eating that aren’t so healthy for you that are triggering your eczema.
Assess Digestive Health – Comprehensive stool test
More often than not people have some kind of imbalance in their microbiome. There could be a deficiency or excess of normal flora or presence of a pathogen in their digestive tract along with intestinal hypermeability also referred to as leaky gut. It can be difficult to effectively correct those imbalances without identifying these factors with testing and developing targeted treatment plan.
You’ve probably heard that probiotics are good for eczema. That’s very much an oversimplification. There are a lot of different probiotic strains on the market. If you take arbitrary probiotics without any knowledge of your microbiome health, you may just spend money and not really get anywhere. Worse case scenario, you could also potential exacerbate any dysbiosis that is present if you are not taking the appropriate probiotic for your needs.
Loss of integrity of the skin barrier plays a big role in eczema. Using natural skin care products that protect and re-build the skin barrier will rebalance the amount of water and lipids in the skin and help prevent excessive water loss through the skin, which is critical for eczema relief.
I can’t stress this enough. Getting to the root cause of eczema requires an individualized approach. You can have two people with eczema that presents similarly that need a different approach. Eczema triggers can also vary from person to person depending on the stage of life they are in and their health history. Long term relief from eczema does not lie in skin care products.

If you’ve been struggling with eczema for a long time, seek the help of a licensed holistic health professional. They can help you develop a plan to identify and correct the underlying imbalances.

**Medical Disclaimer

Information contained within this site is for educational use only and is not to be construed as medical advice. Always consult with your health care provider before making changes to your lifestyle or medical treatment plan.


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