9 Natural Remedies, Recipes and Tips To Treat Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux affects as many as 50% of Americans!

In this video, I go over how to naturally treat acid reflux and easy recipes to help treat symptoms.

Symptoms of acid reflux include:

A burning sensation in the throat
Unrelenting hiccups
Narrowing of esophagus
Irregular burping
Chronic sore throat

Heartburn is thought to be caused by excessive amounts of acid in the stomach, but this is a MISCONCEPTION.

Drugs used to treat acid reflux only temporarily treat SYMPTOMS but do nothing to solve the underlying PROBLEM.

They can actually make the problem WORSE in the long run.

If you really want to get rid of heartburn – you must RESTORE your natural gastric balance and function. You can almost always do this naturally, without the help of medications or chemicals. The following are just a few ways to relieve and/or eliminate symptoms of acid reflux:

Eat Unprocessed Foods
Fermented Foods

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